Q. Is Additional Training Needed?

Yes. Wisconsin also requires additional training that supports creating and sustaining a safe and healthy environment for young children. These classes are:

  • First Aid and Infant/Child/Adult CPR

  • Child Abuse and Neglect

Q. I heard SIDS and SBS/AHT are also needed. Is that true?

Yes. However, both Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) NEWLY named Abusive Head Trauma Prevention Training for Child Care Providers (AHT) as of 9-1-20 and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) trainings are included in the entry-level classes. This is by the Department of Children and Families (DCF) directive.

Continuing Education Needs

Q. What are the continuing education requirements?

Wisconsin requires all Professionals working directly with young children in the Early Care and Education field to complete continuing education hours yearly. The number is determined by the type of regulated program you work in, but ranges from 5 – 25 hours per year.

Q. What continuing education classes does 4C offer?

4C offers a variety of options to meet continuing education needs. These include in-person workshops, correspondence packets, and on-site options.

Continuing education topics range from health & safety concerns, to program management, to guiding behavior, to intentional programming. As a Resource & Referral Agency, 4C also offers state identified trainings related to regulation and quality improvement.

Center Director or Administrator Information

Group Center Directors and Administrators, at minimum, need to complete courses identified in the WI Child Care Administrator Credential. https://wiregistry.org/credentials-overview/administrative-credentials/

In addition, Directors need to also meet the qualifications of a lead teacher.

(This includes all three classes listed under Group Child Care Center)